Home Visits are for patients who are terminally ill or totally house bound. If you think you need a home visit, please call the surgery before 10am and request an urgent call back from the Doctor. You will be asked a few questions to help assess the urgency and the Doctor will then phone you to do an initial assessment.
As home visits take a significant length of time and greatly limit the number of patients we can see, we do not provide home visits for patients who have travel or transport difficulties. If transport is an issue please ask for help from a friend, neighbour or relative or alternatively Eastwood Volunteer Bureau provide a Community Transport Scheme. They can be contacted on 01773 535255 or email manager@eastwoodvb.org.uk
Patients with reduced mobility may be dropped off near the main entrance but we kindly ask people not to park in this area as it blocks the access for emergency ambulances and other patients.
Please help us to support all of our patients, one home visit is the equivalent of 6 appointments in surgery.