Meet the Team

Eastwood Primary Care Centre sits at the heart of the community. We are proud to be rated outstanding by the Care Quality Commission and for the contribution we make to healthcare locally.

We have a great team who offer a high quality and caring service to our patients. We are pleased to also offer regular joint injection clinics, contraceptive coil and implant clinics and pessary changes.

Our team of clinicians consist of General Practitioners (GPs), Clinical Pharmacists, Advanced Clinical Practitioners, Nurses, Physiotherapists, Healthcare Assistants, Mental Health workers and Phlebotomists who work closely with our management and administrative team to deliver high quality care to you and your family.

Further information on local healthcare can be found on the the NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Board website along with information on the different roles within primary care.

Eastwood Primary Care Centre is a GP training practice, involved in the training of doctors who wish to become GPs. They are qualified doctors on a Postgraduate Training Programme. Patients seeing these doctors may be asked for consent for the consultation to be videoed. This is part of the doctors’ training and is only used for teaching and training purposes.

Our team is exceptionally motivated and contribute to the wider health of Nottinghamshire and work with the GP Federations, Primary Care Networks, Community Gynaecology Service and Nottingham Medical School.


Dr Paul Scullard (m)

BMedSci (Nottingham) BM BS MRCGP DCH DRCOG 2005

Dr Paul Scullard is the Clinical Lead for Cardiovascular Primary Prevention and Prescribing. 

Dr Scullard is also the Clinical Pharmacist Lead and Lead in Education.

Dr Scullard is Clinical Lead for the Primary Care Network in the North of Broxtowe covering Eastwood, Kimberley, Giltbrook and Newthorpe.

Dr Syed Zaidi (m)

MBBS 2003 (Karachi)
MRCGP 2014

GP Partner, Dr Syed Zaidi, is the Clinical Supervisor for GP Trainees and Educational Supervisor for retainer GPs.

Dr Zaidi is also the GP Lead for Atrial Fibrillation, Osteoporosis and Chronic Kidney Disease and Clinical Design Authority Lead GP for the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Board.

Dr Hersad M Vaghela (m)


Dr Vaghela is the Clinical Lead for Minor Surgery, Hypothyroidism, Rheumatology, Quality Outcomes Framework, Summarising and Recalls.

Dr Vaghela also carries out joint injection treatments at the practice.

Dr Beth Homer (f)

BMBS 2008 (Nottingham) BMedSci, DRCOG, MRCGP, PC Cert Clinical Education

I qualified from Nottingham University Medical School in 2008 and have worked in Eastwood since 2013. I initially came to Church Street as a GP Registrar and was then delighted to be able to stay once I completed GP training in 2016. 

I am the Clinical Lead for Safeguarding, Prevent, Respiratory, Stroke, Epilepsy, Neurology, Dementia and Screening. I am the GP Nursing Lead and involved in training GP Registrars as a GP Trainer.”


Dr Sophie H Walker (f)

BMBS 2014 (Nottingham) (Hons), BMedSci,  MRCGP,  DFSRH,  DRCOG

My name is Dr Sophie Walker and I am a GP Partner.  I qualified as a GP in 2019. My special interest is women’s health, and I am the Deputy Safeguarding Lead at the practice.  I fit coils, implants and pessaries at the surgery.  I also work within the community gynaecology clinics when I am not working at the surgery.

Dr Summer Scullard (f)

BM BS 2005 (Nottingham)

Dr Summer Scullard is the Clinical Lead for Sepsis at the practice.

Dr Scullard is also an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and teaches at the University of Nottingham Medical School.

Dr Laura Campbell (f)

BM BS (Nottingham) 2016  MRCGP  BMedSci

Dr Campbell

Dr Sarah Hamer (f)

MA(Oxon), BM BS(Hons) (Nottingham), MRCP, MRCGP, DFSRH, PC Cert Clinical Education

Dr Dr Hamer has particular interests in women’s health and skin diseases and provides coil and implant fits/removals for family planning.

Dr Hamer is involved in training GP Registrars as a GP Trainer.

Dr Amy White (f)

Medicine and Surgery MBChB (Leeds) 2013, MRCGP (Nottingham) 2023, Sport and Exercise Sciences BSc (Leeds) 2004

My name is Dr Amy White and I work as a salaried GP at the surgery. I qualified as a GP in 2023.

My interests are women’s health and musculoskeletal health. I also carry out steroid joint injections.”

Dr Lauren Taylor (f)

BMBS 2014 (Hons) (Nottingham), BMedSci, MRCGP (2020)

Dr Lauren Taylor has been a GP since August 2020 and has worked in the East Midlands since qualifying as a doctor from the University of Nottingham in 2014. 

In addition to her role at Eastwood, Lauren also works for the local workforce retention scheme and has interests in staff and patient wellbeing. 

Dr Richard Walker (m)

Dr Michael Craven (m)

Louise Lee (f)

Paramedic DipHE 2011 (Northampton)

Nursing Team


Nurse Kelly Philips (f)

Joint Clinical Lead Practice Nurse and Infection Control Lead.

Nurse Stacey Atkins (f)

Joint Clinical Lead Practice Nurse and Safeguarding Lead

Nurse Susan Davey (f)

Diabetic Specialist Nurse

Nurse Cynthia Casimir (f)

Nurse Gemma Connor (f)

Nursing Associates

Hayley Pritchett (f)

Amy is a qualified Nursing Associate supporting the Nursing Team and the Practice.

The role of NA is a distinct profession with their own part of the NMC register once qualified.

Amy Wathall (f)

Amy is a Trainee Nursing Associate supporting the Nursing Team and the Practice for 2 years, whilst also attending Derby University once weekly.

The role of NA is a distinct profession with their own part of the NMC register once qualified.

Healthcare Assistants

Joy Row (f)

Joy supports the Practice Nurses and can undertake registration medicals, phlebotomy, dressings, blood pressures and other treatments

Lisa Platts (f)

Lisa supports the Practice Nurses and can undertake registration medicals, phlebotomy, dressings, blood pressures and other treatments

Lyn Green (f)

Lyn supports the Practice Nurses and can undertake registration medicals, phlebotomy, dressings, blood pressures and other treatments.


Emma Stapleton (f)


Emma is a phlebotomist and also undertakes blood pressure readings and NHS health checks.

Tammy Cockeram (f)


Tammy is a phlebotomist and also undertakes blood pressure readings and NHS health checks.

Practice Team

Medical Secretaries

The secretarial team provide a full and comprehensive service, dealing with referrals, liaising with hospitals and consultants on behalf of the clinicians and patients when necessary.

Administration Team

The administration team deal with hospital letters and recalls for patients with long-term conditions.

Healthcare Team


Nisha Desai (f)

Clinical Pharmacist Partner


Emily Wyman (f)


Nisha is a Clinical Practice Pharmacist and a Partner at Eastwood Primary Care Centre and is also the Lead Clinical Pharmacist for Primary Integrated Community Services, overseeing the team of Clinical Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians in the Primary Care Networks.

Nisha is an Independent Prescriber, working as part of the general practice team to resolve day-to-day medication issues by consulting with and managing patients directly.

This includes supporting with the management of long-term conditions, providing advice for patients on multiple medications and improving access to health checks.

Nisha manages the other Clinical Pharmacists and the Prescription Team based at the Church Street site, and is responsible for managing patients’ medications after they have been seen by the hospital teams.

Having a Clinical Pharmacist at the practice enables the GPs to focus their skills where they are most needed, diagnosing and treating patients with complex conditions and acute conditions.

Emily is a Clinical Pharmacist who hold clinics within the surgery to resolve day-to-day medicine issues and consult with and treat patients directly.

This includes providing extra help to manage long-term conditions, advice for those on multiple medications and better access to health checks.

Community Midwives

The contact number for the Midwife Team for Eastwood Primary Care Centre is 0115 8832128 and women can self-refer directly to the team. There is an answer phone for women to leave their contact details and the team will return your call at their earliest possible convenience.

The Administration Leads for midwife referrals and ante-natal care at the surgery are Sam Papworth and Susan Burton, from our Reception Team.

Community Nurses

Ilkeston Health Centre Nottingham West, South Street, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 5PZ Tel: Hub 0300 0830100

Specialist Conditions Nurses

We have a dedicated team of nurses who see patients in the community although they are not based at the surgery. They specialise in chronic heart and lung conditions and also palliative care. Referral to these services is made by the GP.

Healthy Families Team

Specialist Community Practitioner (previous title – health visitor and school nurse)

This Team cover children 0 – 18 years of age. They are based at:

Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Ilkeston Health Centre,
South Street,

Tel: 0115 8440591