Flu Vaccination
The flu vaccine helps protect against flu, which can be a serious or life-threatening condition. An easy read version information leaflet is available via the link.
1 | Born before 01/04/1959 (over 64 ½ years old) |
2 | Pregnant |
3 | In a Care Home |
4 | Is a Carer |
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | Serious long-term condition: Diabetes Heart Disease/Heart Failure Kidney Disease Liver Disease (inc Hepatitis / cirrhosis / liver failure ) Neurological Conditions (Parkinson’s / Motor Neurone / Multiple Sclerosis / Learning Disability / Cerebral Palsy) Problems with Spleen or no Spleen / Sickle Cell Respiratory Disease (Asthma on steroid treatment or hospital admission / COPD / Bronchitis / Emphysema) Overweight (BMI ≥40) Weakened Immunity (steroid tablets / chemotherapy / HIV / AIDS) |
13 | If lives with someone who has a weakened immune system / is at risk if caught the flu |
14 | Frontline Health Worker |
15 | Nasal Flu for children (2 or 3 years old on 31.08.24). |